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IQ Test Questions for Facebook: Improve Your Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills


The test finally told Saylor that her intelligence quotient score was indeed higher than her friends'. But a month later, when her cell phone bill arrived from AT&T, she said she didn't feel too bright at all.

Saylor, who owns a bed and breakfast, had only been a Facebook member for three days when she took the test. She said she clicked on it because she believed that her friends, Kathi and Ray, had also taken the quiz.

iq test questions for facebook

But when she called AT&T to contest the charges, the customer-service representative said it wasn't unfamiliar territory for them. After Saylor explained that she didn't intend to subscribe to the services, AT&T credited her account and blocked further charges.

Justin Smith, editor of, said that these IQ tests were part of a rash of quiz applications that allow users to compare their results to their friends' and underscore a key feature of social networks.

Can a person's Facebook profile reveal what kind of employee he or she might be? The answer is yes, and with unnerving accuracy, according to a new paper published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1450190541376-1'); ); And if you are smugly thinking to yourself, "I've carefully wiped my Facebook page of any incriminating photos, comments and wall posts," - well, it turns out you may still not have hidden your true nature from future employers: On a rating scale that examines key personality attributes that indicate future job success, you might get rated high in conscientiousness and possibly low on extroversion. Other things a prospective employer might be able to glean from your Facebook profile is openness to new experiences (vacation pictures from a glacier off New Zealand), emotional stability (are your friends constantly offering you words of comfort?) and agreeableness (are you constantly arguing with "friends?"). In a series of two studies conducted by researchers at Northern Illinois University, the University of Evansville and Auburn University, six people with experience in human resources were asked to rate a sample of 500 people in terms of key personality traits using only the sample group's Facebook pages as a guideline. The raters were told to spend roughly five to 10 minutes with each person's Facebook page, and work on the project for no longer than one and a half hours per day to avoid fatigue. They were asked to rate members of the sample group on what is known as the "Big Five" personality traits, which includes extroversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, agreeableness and openness to new experiences. High scores on these traits are generally accepted by human resources managers as an indication of future good job performance. Members of the sample group were asked to give a self-evaluation and took an IQ test. In one study, researchers followed up with the employers of people in the sample group six months after their personality traits were rated, to ask questions about job performance. The researchers found that the raters were generally in agreement about the personality traits expressed in the sample group's Facebook page, and that their ratings correlated strongly with self-rated personality traits. More importantly, they also found that the Facebook ratings were a more accurate way of predicting a person's job performance than an IQ test. Although the study does suggest that looking at a job applicant's Facebook page can prove useful for employers, Donald Kluemper, the lead researcher on the study, said employers need to tread carefully here. A Facebook page can provide a lot of information that it would be illegal for an employer to ask of a candidate in a phone interview. For instance, a person's gender, race, age and whether they have a disability might all be visible on that person's Facebook page. Still, a 2011 study conducted by the social media service Reppler found that 90 percent of recruiters and hiring managers look at an applicant's Facebook page whether they should or not. "This was an effort to provide some evidence that checking on a person's Facebook page might be valuable and might be useful," Kluemper said. "But I wouldn't go so far as to say that one study should be used as a reason to start using Facebook in hiring. "Any other selection tool that is out there has been studied hundreds of thousands of times. Basically, there needs to be a lot more work done in this area." (c)2012 the Los Angeles Times Distributed by MCT Information Services

Everybody understands that IQ tests are extremely popular. A lot of people want to know their Intelligence quotient. And of course, sometimes it is very hard to find, and even harder to build a qualified and trusted IQ test.

An average IQ test score is 100, and someone's score tells about their intelligence compared to the average score. To be more clear, your test score ranks compared to other people. Average results of IQ tests fluctuate from 85 to 115.

We have created 100+ IQ test questions and answers , that could be your question bank. Here you can see different questions of different categories, questions that measure reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Hope this article was useful and it will help you to create your IQ tests. By the way, we would like to suggest a good plugin that can help to easily and quickly create IQ tests. WordPress Quiz Maker plugin is a wonderful tool that offers various features to make your work much easier and interesting.

IQ tests help to measure one's intelligence in different aspects, so if you have some time to spare, they are definitely worth a try! It will help to discover yourself more deeply and who knows, maybe help to turn your potential into success. If you still don't get it, what an IQ test is and what is it for, then you assuredly will after taking one.

But that's not all! We have prepared an Excel file with all 100+ questions. Save your time and download question bulk, build your IQ test within a few minutes! The questions are intended for importing them into the Quiz Maker WordPress plugin.

Get our free PDF with the top 30 interview questions and answers. Join 10,000+ job seekers in our email newsletter and we'll send you the 30 must-know questions, plus our best insider tips for turning interviews into job offers.

You have to have your webcam on during the entirety of the test. As soon as you begin, you get connected with a person who asks you to show your surroundings with your webcam - a 360-degree view of the walls, under your desk, and even all four corners of the ceiling.

Go through all the courses in the links above for the certification you want. When taking one of the professional courses, the exam will have questions on digital marketing associate courses so take those, too.

"Almost everyone wants to test their skills in a short quiz, but it's smart to be skeptical if a post promises you something free that normally would cost money, such as an IQ test, a free credit score or 'exclusive' pictures of celebrities," said Michelle L. Corey, B.B.B. president and CEO.

There is one foolproof way to keep your information safe on Facebook: don't add apps. To rid yourself of Be Like Bill or any other IQ Test or game, just go into your Facebook settings, select the apps category, and 'X' out whichever games and tests you'd like to remove. At the very least, Facebook gamers should be cognizant of where they are clicking.

The analytical reasoning test is widely used because it looks for skills that are sought after in almost every industry. It helps employers find candidates who will be quick to learn, adapt and solve problems.

After the test, your score will be calculated and compared to those of the other individuals who took the same test, or a normative group (which can help an employer see how well you fared compared to previous candidates).

Non-verbal reasoning tests comprise graphs, tables and data, and the accompanying questions will assess how adept you are at drawing conclusions from limited information, finding connecting patterns and working quickly under considerable time pressure. 2ff7e9595c

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